Wild Salmon Guild
The Wild Salmon Guild, an award-winning group of Victoria-based artists and experienced festival organizers with leadership from Paula Jardine created Victoria's first Pacific Wild Salmon Festival in 2003. A Wild Walking Salmon Parade formed the foundation of the festival. Paraders, carrying salmon props on sticks, were led by a salmba band as they made their mark at the Victoria Day Parade and other events throughout the summer.
The Guild is actively looking for people who are wild about salmon to join the fun! Artist-led parade-making workshops are held to make parade props, as well as learn from biologists and environmental groups about wild salmon and their place in our west coast ecology, history, economy, and cuisine.
The vision of the Guild is to create partnerships between artists, scientists, businesses, and non-profit groups (including conservation, stream restoration and stewardship societies) to celebrate the natural cycle of the wild salmon and their place in our lives. By gathering people in celebration, we create a closer, stronger, more vibrant community!
For more information, email us at : wildsalmonguild@yahoo.ca
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