Spiritual Activism

Spiritual Activism


“I can only serve that to which I am profoundly connected, that which I am willing to touch. Fixing and helping are strategies to repair life. I serve life not because it is broken but because it is holy.”

—N. Remen (1999)


Sproat Lake

Sproat Lake, Vancouver Island Petroglyphs, photo by Caffyn Kelley


Spiritual Activism by Kaliya Hamlin:


“Spiritual Activists bring spiritual/contemplative practices and principles into social change movements and organizations. They work on the innerpersonal, interpersonal, group, organization and movement levels to create a heart-centered consciousness from which action and advocacy for change emerges.”


This resource page includes links to documents and organizations that explain some principles and practices of Spiritual Activism:




Spiritual Activism and Liberation Spirituality: Pathways To Collective Liberation

by Claudia Horwitz and Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey, May 2006


“There is a new culture of activism taking form in the world; a new paradigm for how we work, how we define success, how we integrate the fullness of who we are and what we know into the struggle for justice. Activists are being asked to examine our current historical moment with real intimacy, with fresh eyes, fire, and compassion.”
