Quick Start Template

Quick Start Template


Press "Edit Page" on the banner above. Once you have signed in ("transform" is the password), you can select the code under "Template Starts Here:", and copy it. Press "Save." Then go to "Create a New Page", type in the title of your page, and paste this template into your new page. As you replace the text in the template with your own text, it will be correctly formatted. Press "Save" and view your new page.


To see your artist's page listed with the other artist's pages, go to the Open Gallery page and click on Edit. Then go down to the correct place in the alphabet to type in [Your Name].


Wiki is very user-friendly - and any mistakes you make can easily be fixed. Don't hesitate to contact the librarian for help: director@islandsinstitute.com. Have fun, and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the Islands Institute library!


Template Starts Here:


First Name Last Name or Subject

(That's what you'll probably want to call your page: either First Name Last Name, or a particular subject, just preceed it with a ! to make it large)


Description - summarize your work, tell us about a project, describe an idea, approach or resource.


Insert a picture:


(This is the web address of where the picture resides. If your picture is not already on the web, you can upload it to the Islands Institute Library. If you have any trouble figuring this out, contact the librarian.)



(the email address is simple, just write it like you would a regular email)


(same with websites, just write it like a regular URL)