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Phyllis Reeve

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Phyllis Reeve was born on the island of Viti Levu, and later lived for some years on, or across the bridge from, the Island of Montreal. She learned more about islands while writing a thesis on Lawrence Durrell. During her career as an academic librarian, she and her husband, a much-too-busy doctor, frequently escaped from Vancouver to a cabin on Lummi Island. When their children grew up, they moved to Gabriola Island, where they ran a tourist facility and a bookstore dedicated to island books - see http://www.pagesresort.com Phyllis was a co-editor of Witness to Wilderness; the Clayoquot Sound Anthology and one of several co-authors of the Gabriola-Manhattan Project.


A compulsive packrat, she has saved a large file of documents from the visionary and much misunderstood Weldwood Proposal of the early 1990s. Now that she and Ted have turned the business over to the younger generation and retired to a hill-top home with a view of more islands than ever, there may be time to revisit some of the ideas from that project.

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