Ann Rosenthal

Ann Rosenthal


Ann Rosenthal brings to the art community 30 years experience as an environmental artist, educator, and writer. River Vernacular, her collaborative installation with Steffi Domike, was commissioned by the Hudson River Museum in 2003 for Imaging the River curated by Amy Lipton. This series of river postcards interpreting northeastern post-industrial landscapes was exhibited in 2005 at Gallerie Sensenci, Japan and in 2006 at Karl Drerup Gallery, Plymouth State University. A second exhibition in Japan with Stephen Moore, Tree: The Numazu Suite was featured at the Numazu Shinkin Street Gallery. The storefront exhibition reconsidered the ancient pine forests along the Hokaido Road as a “resource” for both humans and ecological systems. “The Transformation of McKeesport” with Stephanie Flom and Jackie Brookner, was one of seven artist residencies through the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, which were featured in Groundworks: Environmental Collaboration in Contemporary Art at the Regina Gouger Miller Gallery in 2005 and includes an extensive catalogue with critical essays. Building on this collaboration, the artist launched an ecoliteracy and art summer youth program in McKeesport in 2006. For summer 2007, she is working with the Steel Valley Trail Council on a Trail Art Initiative that will engage communities in their riverfronts and trails through the creation of unique art banners representing the historic and environmental features of the trail. In 2006, Ms. Rosenthal developed Recipes for Catch & Release with Steffi. Domike, which addressed toxins in the fish we eat and was customized for watersheds in three northeastern states: Pittsburgh, PA (Miller Gallery, Carnegie Mellon); in NYC (Exit Art); and in New Hampshire (Plymouth State University). Her 2007 collaborative project for the Andy Warhol Museum (2007) “Food, Carbon, and the Commons” tackles global warming and local agriculture . Ms. Rosenthal has designed and taught numerous courses on environmental art, and she lectures and publishes widely. She is a member of the Islands Institute advisory council.


For more see her website at WWW.STUDIOTARA.NET