
Mark Fischer


Mark has been exploring the sounds of whales and dolphins for the last eight years. You can find his work at


Precision that is hard to imagine...

Lately I am re-visiting my friends in the North Sea, the White-beaked dolphins. Some of the sounds they make, like the one pictured above, simply dazzle with their precision.


These clicks are the highest frequency sounds I have worked with, at around 150 *thousand* cycles per second. I do not have access to the kind of gear it takes to record such high frequencies, but thankfully researchers at the Center for Sound Communication in Denmark, do, and have posted examples to their web site. In order to get a good recording of this sound, they have to sample at 720,000 times a second. No, that is not a typographic error.


So, the image you see above represents a sound that is made in about 1/50th of a second. Dolphins are just amazing.




